The Advantages of Using Gripper Elevators
October 30, 2013
The Gripper Elevator has the advantage of securely elevating or lowering product using very little floor space (2'- 4" x 9' is required.)
Side grippers firmly but gently grasp the products traveling in line with continuous transport through the elevation change and a seamless discharge onto the take-away conveyor.
The products transported on Nercon's Gripper Elevator have ranged from:
- glass
- cans
- plastic containers
- pouches
- bundles of tissue
"C" Gripper Reorients Products

"S" Gripper Elavates Products Using Minimum Floor Space.

Standard speeds of up to 150 feet per minute can be expected on Nercon's Gripper Elevators, with faster speeds available using optional turn discs.
The Gripper Elevator adjusts from 0" - 8" with the turn of a single hand wheel. Optional widths are also available.