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Vertical Case Elevator

Case Elevators

Raise and Lower Product in a Minimal Floor Space

The vertical case elevator is perfect for manufacturers that are looking to elevate or lower products in a minimal floor space. Built for dependable long-lasting performance. Nercon's vertical case elevator consistently moves products between two conveyors built at different elevations. Depending on your production needs and floor plan, this elevator can be built in a:

  • C-flow configuration
  • S-flow configuration

Case elevators take up less floor space than an incline or spiral conveyor, providing a compact elevation solution for cases, cartons, and bundles. The adaptability of the case lift and adjustment hand wheel provides a quick and simple changeover between products. 

A feed conveyor horizontally loads the product onto the vertical flighted chin belt, which then smoothly and gently lifts or lowers the product to the desired height. The belting also provides stability and support as the product moves vertically. The product then is gently unloaded onto the discharge conveyor by use of a pusher.


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Product Handling Applications

The case elevator can accomodate cases, bundles, cartons and packs. Depending on the application, the case elevator can index at 18 C P M.  and handle case weights up to 40 lbs.

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Case Elevators

Adjustment Hand Wheel with Dial Indicator

Case Elevator

C - Flow Configuration

Z Flow Case Elevator

Z  - Flow Configuration

  • Bundles
  • Cartons
  • Cases
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